Purchase Tickets | Kingpin Cambridge
Kingpin Cambridge


Bowling - Daily Online Reservation Pricing

Pay Per Hour (6 people)
Monday - Friday 11AM - 4PM
Saturday 10AM - 12AM $49.95
Sunday 10AM - 10PM $49.95

Online reservations required to guarantee a lane.

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Play Structure

(adults no charge)
Child/toddler $11.95
Child under 2 years old * $5.50
Monthly membership $13.95

*Complimentary if attending with paying child

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Laser Tag

Pay Per Mission (per person)
1 Mission $10.50
2 Missions $16.80
1 Hour Rental (up to 25 people)
Monday - Friday $500.00

A mission is made up of two 6 minute games played back-to-back.
Not recommended for children under 6 years of age.

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Pricing rates and packages may vary on holidays and special event days.
All Pricing is exclusive of taxes unless otherwise specified.