Frequently Asked Questions

Many of our buildings and grounds areas enlist the use of video monitoring on a 24/7 basis

Our facilities and grounds are considered private property, as noted at our entry areas

We do not permit the use of Drones, or unmanned objects without advance written consent of management.

Bingemans and the City of Kitchener have arranged for the Walter Bean Trail to go through the property, as such trail users are advised to please stay on the marked trial, and not veer into areas not considered the trail.

Can we picnic on your grounds?

Unfortunately no, our grounds are reserved for our clients who have prearranged events with us.

Can we park our cars there overnight?

Patrons of Bingemans are welcome to leave their vehicles here overnight as needed. As we are private property, parking is only allowed for our guests, and not for general use. We assume no liability either overnight, or during the day.